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Friday, December 10, 2010

Dire Straights

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

The opening lines to Charles Dickens' iconic work seem an apt way to describe our season performance thus far. The Blues have known highs (the 6-0 thrashing of Wigan) and lows (the 3-0 loss to Sunderland) these past few months, but unfortunately, the highs seem to be long gone and the lows look to be here to stay. In the same game, we have had one half of sheer domination and another of outright timidity and weakness. It is time for this team to regain its consistency.

If I am going to start pointing fingers at who can do more for this team, I am going to start with our forwards. I don't care how many chances you create if no one is going to follow through and see the ball into the back of the netting. Anelka, I need you to pick up your pace. You're easily the slowest moving player on the field at any given time. Kalou, you need to protect that ball and maintain possession just a few seconds more (and stop making bad fouls after you get stripped). Didier, you need to be more selfish.

Also, one thing that I loved about our initial matches this season was that we never stopped looking for the next goal, even if we were up by five. That has changed. Ancelotti needs to stop coaching like Jose Mourinho and go back to what he knows best.

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